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Maya Manolova: We are ready with an "Anti-Speculation" law

We will not allow price increases even upon entering the Eurozone

Май 19, 2024 21:39 294

Maya Manolova: We are ready with an "Anti-Speculation" law  - 1

„We are not fighting for ministerial positions. Remember what we did from “Stand up BG“ in both parliaments – we created the commission for the revision of Borisov's governments. We brought out the scandals with the bags of money for companies for the construction of the AM “Hemus“, the in-house procedures, the gold bars and bundles, for the import of garbage from abroad, etc.

This was stated by Maya Manolova from the Coalition “Solidary Bulgaria” in response to a question whether the assembly will allow “something left, social, union and solidarity in the face of the coalition “Solidary Bulgaria” in the program “The day begins with Georgi Lyubenov” according to BNT. She is the leader of the coalition lists in Sofia's 23rd district and in Shumen.

In the next parliament, together with Mrs. Vanya Grigorova, experts, specialists, left-wing journalists, university professors, people with a cause, a biography and ready to fight, we will create an “Anti-speculation” Commission. The reason is that we from “Solidary Bulgaria” we are among the people and we see a serious fear in society related to our entry into the Eurozone and the introduction of the euro. People are terrified of the possible explosion in prices afterwards. They have reason to be afraid. With weak institutions, their interests are not protected”, explained Manolova.

She added that even today in the main food chains markups, for example on dairy products and cheese, are more than 80% of production prices. “These are speculative prices. The state, in the face of the various commissions that are supposed to protect consumers, either do not impose sanctions, or they are fictitious of several thousand BGN each. It turns out that the commissions are not on the side of the people. Therefore, what we will do in the next parliament is an anti-speculation law.

It will call for a freeze on the prices of basic food and electricity – six months before and after the entry into the euro. We will disband the Consumer Protection Commission, because it does not protect the interests of the people, but of the monopolies.

There is no European country that has not put regulations in place – reins of retail chains and supermarkets. In France, there are 5,000 markup-controlled goods. This is also the case in Greece, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, etc.”, explained Maya Manolova.

She also explained that the prices of electricity, water and heating are unreasonably high because the regulators are not interested in the fate of people, and their leaders are party appointees of GERB, DPS, BSP, etc. “From Solidarity Bulgaria” we will propose that experts from civil organizations enter the management of the regulators – proved that they work for society and with a cause, and not servitude to energy companies and traders.“

„Boyko Borisov provoked these elections in order to convince people that there is no other alternative, that their only option is GERB and DPS. But people can change the result in Bulgaria for good in the elections.“

She was adamant that with an active citizen's vote, the result could be changed and recalled: “In the summer of 2020, after mass protests that made the status quo and the mafia numb. Then they felt themselves going. Now, on June 9, we can punish those who are pushing Bulgaria back”.

Manolova explained that today Borisov imagines that he will be prime minister again, Asen Vassilev – finance minister, DPS will be at the head of the parliament: "Before We continue the change, they were an appetizer, and now we are looking for the dessert in the face of one of the small parties that will enter the next parliament. In order for this not to happen, a mass vote is needed for more parties to enter.“

Maya Manolova emphasized that she and Vanya Grigorova are also committed to mothers with children and single mothers. “There are tens of thousands of women who look after their children alone. Can you imagine how difficult that is? How, for example, does this happen with a minimum wage? Where is the state? Today, many couples live without marriage, and fathers do not pay child support or, as much as they choose, and the state does not. In the face of “Solidary Bulgaria” these mothers will have protection. We are planning legislation to support them, childcare vouchers, home repairs, serious energy assistance, free medicine, textbooks, etc.“

„I am tempted to ask Nikolay Denkov, who is my opponent – leader of the leaves of We continue the change in Shumen, did he go to the market in Shumen or Novi pazar? I went there yesterday and talked to an 82-year-old woman who receives a pension of BGN 526. He told me that he grows vegetables on two acres to sell them himself in the market. Well, I ask Denkov – Is BGN 526 for an 82-year-old woman a good income as a result of your pension reform to live normally? 500,000 Bulgarians receive such pensions. 700,000 Bulgarians receive only the minimum wage, which after taxes is BGN 700. But Denkov and company can't see this, after they drive NSO cars and take salaries of 10,000 – BGN 12,000 wages”, Manolova also said.

She called on people to vote on June 9 with #9 for the “Solidary Bulgaria” Coalition.